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Behind the Cake


I am a wife of a law enforcement officer, mother of two amazing daugthers (Tiffany & Natasha) second youngest of six siblings and I also work in law enforcement.... with a passion for cake decorating! 


I've always been a creative person, a perfectionist and avid crafter (of course being a mother of two daugthers crafting was without exception). I love the science behind the baking however, I Love, Love to create and decorate cakes! I find inspiration in everything; colors, fabrics, flowers, images etc. I love to create all those things through cakes. 


I am a self taught cake decorator and this career began a short time ago.  I have always enjoyed baking, and I am an artsy kind of gal so that combination has created my greatest passion, which has evolved into The Cake Artiste. 


My magical cake journey has just begun and I hope you'll come along, be inspired and let my cake you amaze you!




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